速報APP / 教育 / ProLanguages Online

ProLanguages Online





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本




ProLanguages Online(圖1)-速報App

Start Speaking a New Language in Just 30 Days with Pro Languages App Anywhere Anytime. Is That Easy.

Pro Languages is the World Leader in Online-Based Languages Learning Software!

Now you can access fantastic, state of the art Pro Languages software right from your Smartphone or Tablet with the free Pro Languages app.

Right now you can start learning:




ProLanguages Online(圖2)-速報App




Anywhere you want to be!

Pro Languages online learning software is a flexible, self-study program, you can choose when, where, and how much you want to study. And now with the new App its so easy.

You can choose any language you want to learn from our 6 languages, and levels ranging from Basic to Advanced. Pro Languages will get you speaking your new language with confidence right from the very first lesson.

With the Pro Languages App you can access any language and most of the features that you'd normally access via your desktop or laptop, and we're adding more all the time!

How does Pro Languages work?

Pro Languages uses real-life situations and actual conversations to more effectively teach a new language. By listening to and repeating after material designed from native conversations, you'll not only learn the individual words and phrases, you'll know how they're used in practical situations and conversations. You'll learn more than grammar, vocabulary and conjugation, you'll learn how to communicate. You'll also learn to SPEAK fluently with a perfect accent using our advanced technology of Interactive Audios. Also Learn Grammar, Play Word Games, Test yourself and much more. You'll see your life changing when you actually start to speak. New friends, great vacations, new job possibilities, more fun.... you name it. You'll find your life transformed that's Pro Languages Learning system.